Saturday, September 21, 2013


Border to Border...
Canada to Mexico...
How amazing is that?!
I know you all realize it because since Bill started his ride until now you have all managed to raise $11,815!!!!!!
How even more AMAZING is that?!
One person...Bill took it upon himself to do something that he loves and magnify it in order to make a make a stand against this disease that is largely underfunded and affecting the children that are our future
Thank you Bill and thank you Team G Foundation supporters for helping us make a difference

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The last 10 miles...

Are the longest. I was warned about this by Navid. He actual said the first 10 and the last 10 are the hardest.  The first 10
Haven't occurred that way yet. The hour preceding the first 10 have been a bit daunting. Getting it all together and getting my butt in the saddle early just seems to evade me.  But the last 10? Oh yeah. This is the time I spend desperately trying to avoid looking at the odometer... and failing! Pedaling away, I glance down after going about 300 feet and am shocked to find out it wasn't a mile!! Oh sometimes I can do it. Take in the scenery, say a prayer asking God for smooth pavement around the next bend...  okay, I can look. Certainly it's down to 5 by now...  8.9?!!!!!! FREAK! ok.. really it was the other EF bomb, but trying to keep it clean. 

Slow mornings and long afternoons

 It's been going really well. I'm very happy with how well this 56 year old body is doing!! I was worried about my knees mostly, but they're hanging in there! The challenge is much more mental than physical! Especially the last 10 miles of the day. 😱 And getting up and out in the morning. All the posts and likes on FB really make a difference and carry me through the day.  I may be riding solo but I'm not doing this alone! I heard these lyrics while riding yesterday and they took on a whole new meaning for me.
"One love 
One blood 
One life 
You got to do what you should 
One life 
With each other 
One life 
But we're not the same 
We get to 
Carry each other 
Carry each other 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Random pics from the saddle

Beginning day 6
I told you they are random.
Got a little roadside equine encouragement 

Me & Lori photo bombed by some dude.